one walk is enough to spark off a whole series of
works. The date was November 19th
2000. From Keld (Swaledale) my girlfriend, Ann,
and I followed a wonderful high level track
overlooking the Swale Gorge to descend to valley
level at the foot of Swinner Gill. It had been 4
years since I had last ascended this wonderful
rocky ravine and a return was long overdue.
quote from my diary:
waterfall at the bottom was gorgeous, not high
but with generously thick steps, the clamber past
this was the beginning of many. Lovely, lovely
limestone with fast flowing water. We had wellies
on and could get right into the flow. Falls then
flatter spells, more falls ending with a
fantastic narrow gorge. It took 1 1/2
hours to reach the fork at the top of the gill.
Left, the dry gill led us to Swinner Gill Kirk. A
new place, previously unseen and unknown. What a
treasure. And what a bad time to run out of run
of film! The fall was powerful and the cave
underneath very enticing. With a tiny useless
torch I went in perhaps 20 yards, and looked back
at the rushing water over black rocks and the
edge of the waterfall beyond........"
In the months that followed
this walk I developed a number of sketchbook
sized images, many of them based on the structure
of the lowermost waterfall (all the "Relics"
for instance). At the same time I was exploring
the human figure on a larger scale, and, time
being what it is, these Swinner Gill images have
yet to be developed further. But I like them for
what they are, sometimes small is indeed